It’s just a candy bar.
Chocolate, sugar
And crushed nuts.
What could be the harm?
People with allergies
Just need to be
More careful.
Take responsibility.
That’s what they said.
That’s what they thought.
Until she collapsed
Just in front of them.
Red faced and
Gasping for life.
Just because someone
Couldn’t imagine the harm.
55 Flash Fiction Friday: Compose a story in 55 words and report back
to the G-Man at …every Friday.
to the G-Man at …every Friday.
This week a woman I work with experienced a second near-fatal allergy attack. While we don’t know exactly what triggered it, we suspect it had something to do with the large amounts of food, which are constantly circulating within our office area.
I can’t imagine how difficult it must be to live with a condition like this. Or be the parent of a child with such an allergy. I do know, however, the next time I begin to feel inconvenienced by any nut free rule, I will remember my friend and instead feel fortunate that this is the only thing I have to worry about.