Season any way you like.
Taste-test before it boils. Then notice the cleverly disguised hole in the lid. Voila… instant botulism!
“Perhaps…” explained the experienced nurse on the other end of the line last night.
“But all the internet sites say that’s what happens when you eat something from an improperly sealed jar. Do I just wait for the double vision, drooping eyelids, slurred speech and paralysis to hit before I seek medical intervention or should I rush to the hospital now? I’ve read that early treatment is key!”
“Well, in 35 years of nursing, I have never encountered a case of botulism. But you may have food poisoning. How do you feel?”
“I am VERY anxious. Botulism can be fatal you know!”
“Well, if you haven’t got any symptoms, I’d say you don’t need to go to the hospital. Please call back if you have any more questions.”
So we wait… 18 hours and counting. Apparently, the symptoms of botulism generally appear between 18 and 36 hours after eating contaminated food. But they can also occur as late as 10 days afterward. Stay tuned!
Sunday 160 is a creation of Monkey Man. If you’d like to participate or check-out other 160s visit him here!