Thursday, November 19, 2009

Soul to Soul

“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances; if there is any reaction, both are transformed.” 
~ C. G. Jung

What if you were to take what Jung wrote about here and expand upon it: consciously observing your own reaction while an exchange with someone plays out, witnessing the transformation in the moment.

And could you take this experiment a step further: completely open your energy up to that other person, in acknowledgement of him or her as an equal Divine soul. Using your heart, instead of your intellect, even for just a few moments, to feel or sense the connection between you. With whom would you feel comfortable sharing such an experience? And perhaps more importantly, who would you not feel comfortable with and why?

One of the gifts of interacting with people who are very different from us is the opportunity it presents to see ourselves reflected back in the “mirror” they are holding up. Whether we are enjoying an exchange or not, our own reactions always tell us more about ourselves than they do about the other person – if only we have the courage to really examine them.


Shadow said...

this sounds mightly interesting. something i need to think about a bit...

Anonymous said...

Thought provoking post, thanks for sharing.

This is Dreamdancer. I'm moving my blog, and I hope you will join me on my new one:

Have a good day!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THIS POST. This quote is actually one of my favorites. I had it on my facebook page for nearly a year, but I never really thought about it in this way.

Felicitas said...

Shadow - This is a concept that I've only recently grasped and begun to experiment with. Thinking about it is the best place to start!

Roxy - Thanks for the heads-up... I will absolutely check out your new locale!

Em - This is a great quote. It has made me rethink how I interact with everyone (even telephone solicitors - lol!) and the importance of always putting my best foot forward.

Alice Audrey said...

Actually, if you watch yourself too closely it can make you wiggy. It's like living in a fun house. Some of the mirrors distort.

Felicitas said...

Alice - This is true, too! Over analyzing things can get dangerous. It's all about balance and perspective.

Unknown said...

Everything is a trasforming thing, there isn't something staying alone. Then, some special meetings -it happens where is the mind to meet- play its power where we can't realise, but we can only feel. Cause this splitting between the conscious and subconscious reactions -both so suddenly implicated-,love is just an hypnotic process -but not only, of course. Yes, that's is what we say chemical trasformation.

Felicitas said...

Ermanno - You are right: nothing is static. And as human beings, the way we think and how we perceive the world is continuously impacted by what goes on around us - consciously and subconsciously.

The experiment I've referred to here is about consciously opening yourself up on an energetic level to another person. Using your heart to feel the connection between you, which will facilitate a deeper understanding, love and compassion than is possible when using only your intellect.

Unknown said...

Felicitas,in my blog (as a virtual laboratory of the dramatherapic process working with theatre),we are just discussing about intellect and heart and our important disappointments with life! Now, Ionesco, before Ceckov...every great play is good to figure out what we are, we could be, we would love to become through the meeting with others. Thanks for your attention, you're a kind person. Ermanno

Felicitas said...

Thank you, Ermanno. Your work sounds fascinating and I'm sure it is tremendously helpful to many people.