Friday, April 30, 2010

I Shall Not Hate

We are different
You and I:
Our distinct
And separate worlds,
The way we live…
These tell us so,
Mandate it,
And so you think,
I am not apart of you,
But the opposite,
So it seems.
Why does this
Make you hate me,
When it only
Makes me curious?
We are different.

This poem was inspired by Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish’s new book: I Shall Not Hate. He is known as ”the Gaza doctor” who tragically lost three of his daughters and a niece on January 16, 2009 when his home was bombed by Israelis.

Rather than seek revenge, he is looking to resolve the Palestinian situation in the Gaza Strip through peaceful means. He is a true hero, from whom we all have something to learn.


55 Flash Fiction Friday: Compose a story in 55 words and report back
to the G-Man at …every Friday.


John (@bookdreamer) said...

One of the tragic outcomes of the terrorist attacks in London was a vicar who lost her daughter and then could not see a way of forgiving the killers so left the church and remains eaten with bitterness to this day. In contrast a man who lost his 12 year old son at the height of the IRA troubles fought for reconciliation and peace so his son's death was not in vain.

Gone for a poem this week based on the Etheree form created about twenty years ago by an Arkansas poet named Etheree Taylor Armstrong It normally consists of ten lines of unmetered and unrhymed verse, the first line having one syllable, each succeeding line adding a syllable. I added an extra row for the word count and the punch line. See what I mean here.

Brian Miller said...

nice 55...our differences elicit such different responses...its led to wars, hate...i tend toward curiousity and compassion myself...

my 55 is up!

anthonynorth said...

It's a shame we cannot revel in our differences, isn't it?
Nicely done.

Alice Audrey said...

Very nice tribute. A simple message shared beautifully.

Monkey Man said...

Different shouldn't equate to bad. Some of our human brethren have some evolving to do.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful tribute!
Dr. Izzeldin is a GEM, like you!
Me got awards, tribute and nominations for you? Happy Weekend! hugs shakira

Dulçe ♥ said...

Difficult (I'd say-impossible)not to hate someone when they've done so much evil to your family...

At first I thought it was a love poem... and so it is!


Maude Lynn said...

This is excellent!

Maha said...

Hatred in fact is a monster that eats you up. Instead of getting over our differences. all we form is enmity. I love your stuff, they are always boon-deep. Great 55!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

you speak of truth,
it is hard when it comes to differences in areas such as religion, politics and more...

unbeatable job!

G-Man said...

This was just too awesome.
I loved your story Felicita's.
I also respect a woman of her word!

Wonderful work of art and compassion...You Rock!

Have a Kick Ass Week-End...G

steveroni said...

Yes, we ARE all different, one from the other. And yet are we not all the same? Each of us wishes for ourselves and those we love peace, happiness, fulfillment, health, food, clothing, shelter. Aside from all that we want to be free, to be productive and above ALL ELSE to love, and be loved. That is most important ingredient of all: LOVE!

Ronda Laveen said...

A beautiful piece, Felicitas. I wish more people could be curious rather than hateful. Fear is so crippling.

Larry said...

it's true isn't it so many of us are different I like this. Thanks for dropping by.

Mike said...

I remember when 911 happened and Richard Gere got up on stage in NYC and said that we should not hate the muslim community and was booed off of the stage. Sometimes, hatred can be very destructive.

Nevine Sultan said...

A beautiful, beautiful piece, Felicitas. How deep your words are! And we CAN be different... we SHOULD be different. And this should not make the Other hate. But the truth is it does. How small our minds can be! And how big the world is! Your words are a cause for reflection...


who said...

I remember that story, I heard it on the way to work on NPR. It was awesome.

Ganga Fondan said...

Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish has the heart of a poet and can describe his experience in such a way that it becomes real for us. His beautiful daughters, their ambitions, his wife and the gaping hole she left in his life after she passed on and then his own sense of hope that good will come of this tragic loss. His capacity to forgive is alive everyday for us to learn from and remind us not to be numb to the actual freedoms we do enjoy. We each have a voice that can create a better world. Your poem is one example of this here today. Thank-you. Peace.