Saturday, April 10, 2010

As Hamlet Said...

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” ~William Shakespeare

And this is exactly the line I think of every time I can’t imagine that something could possibly be true. This world is an incredible, magickal place. In the 43 years I have been on this Earth, I have experienced some of the most extraordinary things. And by “extraordinary”, I mean those things not commonly referred to as ordinary but which are in fact, perfectly natural. This world is far less mundane than many people are comfortable realizing… but that doesn’t make it any less true. And that being so (or at least in my opinion), what then is the point?

It’s one thing to recognize that there is more to life than meets the eye, but it’s quite another to understand how it all relates to us and why it matters. I have spent my life asking such questions, and investigating various philosophies and religions. And I have decided that now is the time I’d like to start sharing my ideas with anyone who may be interested.

Originally, I thought I should start another blog dedicated specifically to the topic of spirituality, as it is such a large part of my life. But then, again, precisely because it is so much a part of who I am, I have decided instead to just tackle it right here.

For those who don’t agree with my views, as always, that’s perfectly fine. What a dull world it would be if we were all in agreement all of the time. I just don’t want to shield this part of myself any more… as they say: life is too short – on this plane, anyway!


Dianne said...

Yes do it here. I have so little time to read the writings that fascinate me, or write for that matter, I would cringe at needing to find you in two places

As I always say, LITSNT
(life is too short not to)
we write about what we know, or imagine, keep it coming

Brian Miller said...

do it here...i mix mine in occassionally...would love to hear more and there is much more than meets the eye...i learned that from transformers...smiles. happy saturday.

Shadow said...

explore away, i look forward to your views...

Jingle said...

awesome views...
Happy Saturday!

Maha said...

I can't wait to read your views and opinions. You know. it would be cool to see things through your eyes. THe new theme is AMAZING!

Alexys Fairfield said...

Hi Felicity,

We are all a part of the vastness called life. I am so happy that you will be sharing your experiences and ideals with us. Welcome to the journey. :D

Susan at Stony River said...

I'm looking forward to it! I think you're right to include it here.

Felicitas said...

Thanks for all of your support! I greatly appreciate it.