Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Blessed Sun

For anyone who has been following me for any length of time, 
it will come as no shock that I am NOT winter's biggest fan. 
And the fact that I am truly excited by any celebration 
marking the return of the sun should be equally unsurprising. 
So I wish you all a blessed Imbolc, joyful Candlemas and happy Groundhog Day! 
From now to Spring Equinox, it only gets better 
- never mind that raging snow storm "they" say is just around the corner... 
the warm weather is coming, I tell you! 



Brian Miller said...

woohoo come on spring...ha...i hear we are to get snow next week...

Anonymous said...

that storm is me still looking for you....

Celtic Fire said...

Bring on the return of the fiery Summer Sun indeed!

"Thou the fiery Drum that beatest
From the East across the sky,
Till the Southern heights thou meetest
With a crash of victory,
And into the far West wended
Marchest earthward from on high,
As the measured roll descended
Passes the horizon by:
Strike again thy silent lyre through our dullness of desire,
Walk with us as once in Delos with mysterious song and fire!"
- Margaret Lumley Brown

Felicitas said...

C.F. - What a gorgeous poem! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...
